Blah blah blah

The mindless ramblings of a woman on the edge..... of something.....

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Alive and Kicking.

Yes, it has been a while!
My friends and family seem to think that I have fallen off the face of the planet. Well, perhaps I have. Between managing a career in Law with Acme Low Carb Tongue Depressors, Inc. (which involves a significant amount of travelling), Children (1 x 14yr old and 1 x “I can’t wait to be a teenager so I can get away with all the stuff my sister does” 8yr old), a Husband (who really counts as another teenager) and my 84 year old Mother (all living under my roof – I might add!!!), I haven’t had much time to blog or remember exactly which planet I live on.
My inspiration to return to the world of blogging is taken from my colleague who writes consistently wonderful articles that make me laugh out loud. He swears that putting your random thoughts on a url is therapy for the bewildered. Or maybe he was just referring to me as ‘bewildered’? Maybe he didn’t even say that? Am I paranoid? Who me???
So, now I am faced with the difficult task of finding something entertaining, nay interesting, to write about. I have stopped the Fatty Piggy Club blog as it became a bit of a chore writing all those articles by myself – and let’s be honest; there are far more exciting things to talk about other than dieting. Besides, there are plenty of sites out there already dedicated to that sort of thing.
So, while I consider topics - you watch this space……………………!
PS - all thoughts and or ideas are graciously requested :-)


At 21/9/06 19:27, Blogger Sal DeTraglia said...

Ah...finally freed from the shackles of diet talk. I predict an explosion of creativity to follow. At the very least, you can write an "Ask Lisa Marie" advise column.

With all your work travels, you should have a ton of material to mine for this blog. Certainly more than I have. Look at me. I write about Slim Whitman and coconuts.

Welcome back.


At 22/9/06 09:32, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Sal. I can't imagine it will be up to your standard, but I'll give it a bash!

At 23/9/06 22:11, Blogger christina said...

So glad you decided to start blogging again! Believe me - once you start writing you won't want to stop.

At 23/9/06 22:35, Blogger christina said...

Just popping in again, Kath, because...after I left the first comment I got an auto-reply "out of office" message from your work e mail address to my gmail address (the one I use to log into Blogger comments) giving the name of the company you work for as well as your mobile number, and you probably wouldn't want all and sundry to know that.

Don't worry, I'll never tell. :-)

At 23/9/06 23:32, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Christina. Now you know who Acme Low Carb Tongue Depressors, Inc. really is!!! I guess I'll have to break company protocol and set up another email address for the blogspot to prevent anyone else from finding out ;-)

At 24/9/06 00:03, Blogger Sal DeTraglia said... mean that we DON´T work for a company that makes low-carb tongue depressors?

How low-carb tongue depressing!!!


At 24/9/06 18:27, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL, Sal.
Can you believe it? I let the cat out of the bag on the world-wide-web. Good thing only you and Christina are the only ones that noticed!!!

At 24/9/06 19:02, Blogger Sal DeTraglia said...

Don't worry about Christina. She can keep a secret. After all, she's a CIA spy.


At 24/9/06 22:55, Blogger christina said...

"After all, she's a CIA spy."

You blew my cover! And I thought the mild-mannered housewife thing had them all fooled. Guess I'll have to get a new job. :-)


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