Blah blah blah

The mindless ramblings of a woman on the edge..... of something.....

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I do run run run – I do run run!

Ok, well not so much ‘run’ as walk a little faster than normal…

I have taken the advice of my colleague (at Acme Tongue Depressors) and have started to get out of the office at lunchtime, exchanging my stale office air for the fresh, cold Irish winter air (brrrrrrr). Armed (or ‘footed’) with MBT’s and the obligatory navy blue college sweats that are still 8 sizes too big (worn for effect, of course), I take to the Irish countryside for 45 minutes of fast paced walking with my dog in tow. I have decided that the only way to speed up my weight loss is to exercise. “Duh!” I hear you say aloud. I know, I know - It’s a definite case of practicing what I preach!

Thankfully (for my ego) my colleague wasn’t offering me weight loss advice. He was merely pointing out that this daily break does in fact help him keep his sanity (debatable…..). He has successfully converted another colleague of ours on another continent so we now have a running (and I use the term loosely) club of three members when we visit the ‘motherland’ in May. I’m looking forward to it already.

I will eventually build up to a light jog but can never see myself actually running as that could only result in an injury to me or to another passer-by……. Someone once told me that if you do a 2 minute walk - 2 minute jog (alternating for 45mins) for one week and then build up the minute vs. jog ratio that you will eventually jog the entire 45mins without even noticing. Hmmmmm. I’ll let you know how that goes.

Oink oink,


At 21/2/06 19:56, Blogger Sal DeTraglia said...

Somehow, I find the thought of 2/3 of Acme's EMEA Legal Department exercising and then showering at the same time each afternoon (albeit thousands of miles apart) kind of amusing. Say what you will, but our sense of teamwork cannot be debated.

I'm glad you've joined the "Lunchtime Sweat Sock Club." I think you'll really, really fall in love with the way it makes you feel during the afternoon. Especially once you start increasing the jog-to-walk ratio. Those nasty Low-carb Tongue Depressor RFQ's will bounce off you like bullets to Superman.

Next May at Acme's HQ is going to be great. I've already packed my Nike Airs.

Sal (he of the debatable sanity)

At 27/2/06 13:43, Blogger christina said...

That's great! I've been doing a 45- minute aerobic walking tape (no decent place to walk around these parts) about 4 times a week for the past couple of weeks and yes, I am finally losing weight.

I'd be interested in knowing how you like those MTB shoes. A good friend of ours works at an orthopedic shoe place which carries them and she has a couple of pairs herself but they are just so pricey here. Are they really that much better than a regular walking shoe?

At 27/2/06 17:19, Blogger Kath said...

Hi Christina,
Yes - they really are good but pricey no matter where you buy them. If you go get measured by your friend (they have a special way of measuring to ensure that you don't buy a pair on EBay {spoil sports})then get someone to pick you up a pair in the USofA where apparantly they are much cheaper.
I bought them due to lower back pain - brought on by giving birth to two baby elephants.
They alledgedly help to tone muscles as well but I haven't done quite enough exercise to see the results of that yet.
Will let you know if there are visible results. What I can confirm is that I do not have lower back pain after walking, which is a wonderful change to the norm.
Oink oink,


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